Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

'long island boot camp' Archive

Summer Slimdown Boot Camp Begins

It’s a rainy NYC afternoon but the good news is that a) running the rain makes me feel like Rocky so I just crushed a slick 5 miles yeaaaaa  and 2) next week is supposed to be beautiful! (especially at 5:30am! Why is that important? Because Tuesday 5/29/12 marks the start of the SUMMER EDITION…

Cardio AB-Attack (video)

CRUNCHES ARE DEAD. It’s time to shift away from older-than-old-school crunches & sit ups. Enter my SMART dynamic core moves that will cause you to simultaneously feel the intense burn in your abs all while working your arms, legs & lower back! Yep, I invented a “total body ab workout”, Hollywood style.  Have at it>>>…

26 Day Spring Slimdown Challenge

The biggest “loser” WINS! What do you have to lose besides unwanted pounds?! This Spring Slimdown Challenge is for you if you’ve been on the fence about signing up, need a total weight loss KICK START or you just want to work your butt off for a summer-ready body while scoring some serious cash and…

The Park As Your Gym (video)

5 Minute ANYWHERE Workout I was away in the Hamptons this past weekend and instead of skipping my daily workout, I figured out a way to stick with the plan. In this video, find out how to ROCK that summer body whether you are on vacation, away for work or just sick of the being…


SALE HAS ENDED. Come back next year!

Drop and give you how many? NO THANKS

Liz C, a 5 month-in-a-row Camper gives you a bird’s eye view of her wellness experience with us: “Get Up, Get Moving…Get Strong, Get Healthy It’s 4:45am. I am lying in my bed warm and comfortable. It’s pitch black outside and my alarm is telling me to get up and get moving.  The next thing I…

5 Habits of Highly Successful Skinny People

Do you go overboard in the eating dept. for 2 days and let it sabotage your “diet” for the  next 2 weeks? Do you feel so guilty about eating like a piggy all weekend that you figure you’re a lost cause? At dinner, have you ever uttered “What’s the use, I already ate fries and a burger for lunch, why stop now?” Look…

What is Long Island Boot Camp Like? (video)

(and WHAT IS NYC BOOT CAMP LIKE?) After placing a  pretty provocative ad in 3 different newspapers here in NYC my office was flooded with phone calls asking “what the hell is boot camp all about.” I usually say that it is like gym class for adults. Now for some of you this may bring about a…

This is NOT What I Expected

The day that I told Laura that I would officially do boot camp – I was petrified (watch me in my last post.) I slept no more than 1 hour that night.  I couldn’t rest at all, I just tossed and turned  – stressing about what kind of torture I would have to endure in the…

What Gym Trainers are Desperate for you NOT to find out!

And I should know, I used to be one of them!  (Scroll down for social proof) So here’s the deal. After  8 long years as a trainer in a chain gym in Long Island and NYC – I have to let this secret out. After this gets out I will be shunned by my former…