After placing a pretty provocative ad in 3 different newspapers here in NYC my office was flooded with phone calls asking “what the hell is boot camp all about.” I usually say that it is like gym class for adults. Now for some of you this may bring about a negative feeling the the pit of your stomach. But let me assure you – I am referring to the FUN atmosphere of games and motivational exercise with a large group of amazing women. A far cry from calisthenics and toe touches.
I was a 3 sport varsity athlete starting in my freshman year of high school. Ms. Seaman (god love ya lady) gave me a C+ one semester in gym. ME?? A C+?! This put me and the whole gym class thing at odds for years.
Ms. Seaman’s obvious love-hate relationship with her students and job inspired me to do one thing: design a fitness boot camp in Long Island and NYC that is FUN , EXCITING and the FARTHEST THING from a military style program as possible. Don’t let the words “boot camp” scare you away from getting into the best shape of your life!
Experience a little of Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp here:

Check out the top 5 methods we use in boot camp that will make your old method of exercise virtually obsolete!
See you in camp! (Murray Hill, NYC + Battery Park, NYC + Oceanside, Long Island)
Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS
Miranda Fitness Concepts, INC