Boot Camp Program Description
Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp in NYC is training for what you want your LIFE to look like, not just your body.
What are the Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp workout like?
We serve up a calorie incinerating sweat session that infuses metabolic resistance training with functional movement patterns that are packaged in short bursts of fun interval training circuits. Change STARTS with a willingness to stare down your “perceived” limitations and open the door towards becoming the best possible version of yourself. It’s all about continuously working towards cultivating an unwavering belief in what you are capable of achieving.
How will becoming a Strong Healthy Woman change my life?
A message from Founder and Coach, Dr. Laura Miranda: I will teach you how to train harder than you ever have before, AND love it. I will teach you how to eat in order to fuel your body for fat loss in a way that you never have before, AND love it. But I will also show you how to look at your failures, successes, achievements, pitfalls, fears, dreams and triggers (ahem: MINDSET!) in a way that will make all of the RESULTS from the training and clean eating to STICK AROUND for the long haul. Because, isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?
How will my body change in Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp?
Where & When is Strong Healthy Woman NYC BOOT CAMP held?
- Battery Park, NYC
5:30 – 6:30am M/W Strong Healthy Woman NYC Boot Camp is held in Battery Park City on the field off River Terrace and Chambers St. map
What is the easiest way to get to Strong Healthy Woman Boot Camp in Battery Park NYC?
Train: Battery Park City, NYC: 1, 2, 3, A, C to Chambers St; E to World Trade Center; J, M, Z to Chambers/Brooklyn Bridge; 4, 5 to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall. R, W to City Hall.
Bike/Rollerblade: Many women ride their bicycles or roller blade to class..
Walk or Run: consider it a warm up!
How do I register for the program?
When is the next Strong-Healthy-Woman Class?
All classes take place M/W 5:30-6:30am in Battery Park City, NYC (map). We run the program 4 weeks on, 1 week off…all year round!