WHERE: Outdoors in Battery Park, NYC or Oceanside, Long Island
WHEN: 5:30-6:30am M/W/F, 1 Month, 12 Results-Only Workouts
WHAT: Crazy motivation along side empowered STRONG women, complete nutrition & lifestyle OVERHAUL, a 24 hour accountability and consistency BLUEPRINT, all serving up rapid RESULTS to finally shut down the self sabotage and pick up SUCCESSSSS!!!
WHO: All levels of women that want to permanently CHANGE your body, who are looking for a routine and TEAM to hold you accountable to COMMITMENT, & a ridiculously FUN and POWERFUL way to get your arms/abs/thighs looking HOTTTT!
WHY: To BE the change you want to see in YOURSELF. Focus on who you want to be, say it often enough, and your current reality will begin to manifest what you repeatedly THINK, SAY, & DO!
Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS
Miranda Fitness Concepts, INC