Oh yes, it’s Wednesday. If you are in any of my boot camps in Long Island or NYC, you know that it means today is WICKED WEDNESDAY! (We theme our workouts becuase, well, it’s just more fun that way!)
Since I’m in a great mood today, I thought I would share today’s workout with the masses.
This workout is a sample of just some of the kick ass content you will receive as part of the new SHW Virtual Training Club. It is a way to slim down all on “your time” in your home, gym, or outdoors. (No 5:30am boot camp required:)
So get your copy of today’s workout, and look out for a super secret email on Friday about how to get into the rapid fat loss club for only a buck ($1).
DOWNLOAD HERE —–> Wicked Wednesday Workout
Enjoy the workout girls! Try to undo some of that damage from the Halloween candy. Read this article I just wrote about Halloween and how to cheat on your diet (to lose weight.)
Your Fun Fanatical Fitness Expert ,
Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS