It’s time that I showed you how to get a SERIOUS workout for your arms and core…on a swing set.
This is a serious core and arm workout that you can use tonight on any swing set, my fierce women warriors.

You don’t need fancy-schmancey equipment, heck, you don’t even need a gym!
BEST WAY TO GET CUT ARMS: In order to SEE a change in the way your muscles look, you MUST constantly provide a different type of challenge that your body is not expecting.
I.E. change it up, or stay right where you are.
1) It’s fun. Who doesn’t like to have fun.
2) You’ll really look like you know what you are doing if you do this workout. (Tell ’em Laura Miranda sent ya’.)
3) Its FREE and natural and outdoorsey; body weight only workouts rock!
Check out this post for more arm workouts like this!
These “Fun Friday Workouts”, as I call them in my boot camps, are a break form the norm. Get your butt out of the gym becuase it’s still summer and there is STILL time to get those arms in shape woman!