Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

Fuel Your Desire

One of my favorite authors on the topic of personal success is Napoleon Hill. He once said:

 “First you fuel the desire, then the desire will fuel you.” 

His quote is applicable to not just your daily exercise and healthy eating routine but really to every component of your life.

Get your desire FUELED UP today by making ONLY smart and healthy choices that empower your self worth.

Remember that sometimes those choices involve saying NO. This idea can be easily forgotten especially in the middle of the work day craziness!

You are unstoppable woman, go out there and kill the day!!!!

BOOT CAMP IN NYC & LONG ISLAND: Women’s early morning rapid fat loss boot camp program. Monday/Wednesday/Friday 5:30-6:30am for 4 weeks is all it takes to change your body and your life!




AT HOME BOOT CAMP:  Our Virtual Training Club is your “at home” boot camp fitness system! 3 weekly workouts/abs video/recipes/grocery lists/accountability & consistency tools…everything short of me, in your living room!

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