Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

'boot camp exercise' Archive

Asics FUN RUN in NYC

Laura Miranda and StrongHealthyWoman Boot Camp have teamed up with Asics’s NEW running program! The 1st run starts THIS Saturday 11/14/09!  I recommend this not only because I am the head trainer in charge, but because it is a brilliant way to prevent the dreaded weight gain during the holiday season. I look forward to seeing you!…

5 Habits of Highly Successful Skinny People

Do you go overboard in the eating dept. for 2 days and let it sabotage your “diet” for the  next 2 weeks? Do you feel so guilty about eating like a piggy all weekend that you figure you’re a lost cause? At dinner, have you ever uttered “What’s the use, I already ate fries and a burger for lunch, why stop now?” Look…

This is NOT What I Expected

The day that I told Laura that I would officially do boot camp – I was petrified (watch me in my last post.) I slept no more than 1 hour that night.  I couldn’t rest at all, I just tossed and turned  – stressing about what kind of torture I would have to endure in the…

Get a Flat(ter) Stomach by THIS WEEKEND

Since we are already in the 2nd week of June , some may consider it “crunch time”, and that’s NOT  another one of the  ridiculous puns I use in order to drive a point home (alright fine, it IS.) Though I am 100 percent officially against quick fixes and YOU CANNOT SPOT REDUCE FAT no matter how many…

Follow 1 Camper’s Quest to Lose Weight

Tiffani Franklin wants to be a BIG LOSER. On 6/1 Tiff began my BOOT CAMP in Oceanside Long Island. We will be following her over the next few months as she goes through the daunting task of losing weight, getting in shape and becoming happy with her body and her life! A little background:  Tiffani is a fabulous…