ATTENTION Women of Battery Park City –
We are looking for 7 more motivated women to try out our brand new pilot program!
See if the following applies to you:
– You live or work close to Lower Manhattan (Battery Park City)
– Are between the ages of 20-60
– Are committed to seeing and feeling a change
– Have the willingness and drive to work hard for the results
– Have availability in your schedule to work out with us two times per week, Monday and Wednesday morning (5:30am- 6:30am)
– Are able to follow my meal plan that shows exactly how and what to eat to see results and accomplish your goals
You are the PERFECT candidate for my new 14-day program … and I VERY confident I can help!
This is a 14 day program where you’ll work closely with me to get a jump start on your fitness goals this summer.
It includes 2x per week workouts outdoors in the beautiful Battery Park City, a copy of our Performance Nutrition Meal Plan, before and after body comp assessment, and more.
The cost for the program is just $119!
I know that the results you achieve are going to be so incredible that you will want to continue beyond the 14 day jump start.
Apply now
Stay determined, focused and addicted to improving yourself,
Dr. Laura Miranda DPT, MSPT, CSCS