Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

Journaling for Smaller Pants (and your sanity)

Since sophomore year in college I have kept a journal. I know, that’s a really long time ago (especially since I am already the big 3-1.) But EVERY woman who comes across my path that is attempting to get healthier and shed the fat are started off with a food journal.

Besides keeping you from going insane, journaling can helped you become 100% in-tune with your body. Keeping track of what you are eating, feeling and the rigors of day to day life overtime will allow you to clearly see emerging patterns or address hard core ingrained habits. Successful, healthy and happy people hold themselves accountable for their actions.  Eating a whole bag of crackers at lunch can EASILY  be buried into your subconscious by the time the next day comes around.  Writing  things down makes YOU accountable for your own behavior and therefore helps you link your actions to their consequences. Read that one again and let it sink in.

Journaling is one of my tried and true, all time favorite tools for getting women fit and helping them achieve a healthy lifestyle. This method works especially well with those who are frustrated with their current situation. Unless your stuff  is on paper staring you in the face day after day, most of us are completely out of touch with our habitual stress/emotional coping mechanisms.

This whole weight loss/weight maintenance game is all about holding yourself accountable and getting truly honest with yourself. ANY kind of change (that is worth while) requires careful attention to detail. What best way to get detailed is to keep track of your stuff on paper, or computer. You  even do it in blog form,  just don’t forget to link to me:)

I would like you to start your own daily journal that keeps track of what you eat with the following categories: time, type of meal (breakfast, snack, lunch etc), portion and brand of food, mood or why u just ate what you ate (“b/c it was stressed about my boyfriend” or “I had not eaten since 2pm”etc), and exercise for the day. This should be done each day with a little added paragraph or two about how your day went and what went down. Nothing is insignificant, nothing should be off limits.

YOUR Body Transformation Expert,

Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS

Any thoughts on how keeping a food or exercise or other journal has helped you? Post a comment below>>>>

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