Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

So you Think You’re so Healthy, Eh? (5 foods that Mascarade as “Healthy”)

Here is a short list that I have compiled of foods that mascaraed as “healthy” but really are GARBAGE and can single handedly sabotage your quest for a healthy lifestyle (notice I didn’t say “diet”).

[To find out EXACTLY what to eat for weight loss CLICK HERE for the next GROCERY SHOPPING TOUR in NYC & Long Island! But more on that later.]

*Deli Turkey —Tons of SALT and preservatives not found in the real thing (which are the root of so many evils and that cause for the scale going up and down by 3ish lbs a day.) Healthier option: low/no fat ground turkey meat. Little to nothing added but the bird.
*Low Fat Peanut butter– so they took out some fat and replaced it with SALT (approx160 mg/serving). This was the good-fat, people. You are better off having the real thing, just make sure to buy “Natural Peanut Butter.”
*Granola/Trail mix– saturated fat and cholesterol up the wazoo. Plus, lots of unhealthy chemicals added to keep the a very long shelf life. Better option: fruits, veggies, make your own mix: walnuts, peanuts, almonds, raisins, dried fruit etc.
*Juice — Sugar!!!!!!! Typically, your morning glass of OJ has comparable levels of sugar as soda (beware: see the next item for numbers). Always choose water instead, or the real thing- an actual orange. Other options include adding a piece of lime, lemon, fruit, cucumber to spice up the water.
*Soda, even diet– FYI a regular coke has 10 Tsp of sugar! (YES T-E-N teaspoons), Yuk. The “diet” version isn’t any better, I am afraid. Chemicals are put in that make it taste sweet, these chemicals trick your brain into thinking it is actually getting something sweet. BUT when it realizes it’s been fooled, it then craves the actual thing and you go off on some sort of sugar-crash-binge-frenzy. Keep in mind this may take a few days to build up. I am sad to say that “sugar free” drinks are just as bad and have the same effect (crystal light being one of them).

I can already hear you saying “well, having diet soda is better than having a regular soda, so what’s the big deal.” WHATS THE BIG DEAL???    People, that’s like saying getting kicked in the face is better than getting kicked in the shin. Make sense? Not really.

The point is you wont achieve greatness (IE a healthier lifestyle that LASTS) by relying on the “Better Than” mantra. Knock it off and get honest with yourself. I promise you might just be surprised by what you find.

WARNING: You will have to fight hard. people always want to sabotage your quest. They will say “Come on, you can have just one piece of [insert bad food here], you’ve been working hard all week.” These people just don’t want to feel bad about themselves and what they are shoving in their mouths. You HAVE TO be the different one, it WILL pay off.

Still not sure what to eat?? You are in luck! The next “Grocery Shopping Tour” I will take you through the store and teach you how to read labels, debunk common myths on eating for weight loss, show you how to shop fast and healthy for you and your entire family and much more.

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