Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

'diet foods' Archive

The Pretzel, Yoo-hoo, and Sour Patch Kid Diet

(43 Ready-to-Use, Insider Tricks that simplify food shopping for weight loss ) If you’ve ever said: I don’t have time to cook, I don’t even know where to start, I’m always eating out b/c I’m constantly on the go … Then this post is for you. TELLING you the exact products to eat is 1 thing. You possessing the SKILLS to make the right…

Top 5 Weight-Loss Foods (that every skinny chick MUST HAVE)

(Here’s  my secret list of the TOP 5 FOODS every skinny chick must have in her kitchen at all times:) Since this is the age of instant gratification, IE Twitter, Facebook, text message, BBM – who has time to figure out the BEST foods to eat to help you lose weight FAST?   Who has the time? I will tell…

So you Think You’re so Healthy, Eh? (5 foods that Mascarade as “Healthy”)

Here is a short list that I have compiled of foods that mascaraed as “healthy” but really are GARBAGE and can single handedly sabotage your quest for a healthy lifestyle (notice I didn’t say “diet”). [To find out EXACTLY what to eat for weight loss CLICK HERE for the next GROCERY SHOPPING TOUR in NYC &…