Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

Readiness to Change: Fitness and Life

READINESS is the moment when you realize that the only thing that can stop you…is you.

I find this statement so powerful when it comes to our own inner dialog and personal motivation.

Sometimes, we can simply get in our own way. What I mean by this is that our THINKING and our MINDSET can get distorted when we feel we are not doing enough, when we beat ourselves up for missing a workout, or when we make ourselves feel guilty for not achieving our incredibly high and sometimes unattainable standards we set for ourselves.















UPS & DOWNS — we must embrace them in order to achieve success and sanity. This whole “working out and eating healthy” thing is…FOREVER. It’s not a short term thing you’ll try in order to “lose 10 lbs” and then quit.

So just as you already recognize that this is a long term “lifestyle”, at the same time you must also come to accept that you will have road blocks, you will get thrown off course, and you will have life altering events that might take you away form your consistent program.

By accepting that this is an inevitable part of life by taking it all in stride and avoiding beating yourself up… you will be able to get right back on the wagon that much faster.

AWARENESS, READINESS, WILLINGNESS are 3 key components of successful fit and healthy people!

I give a monthly lecture at Whole Foods Wellness Club in Tribeca NYC on this very topic! Email Info@StrongHealthyWoman.com 646.454.0777 to attend!



Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

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