Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

'nyc personal training' Archive

NYC Personal Training with Dr. Laura Miranda and her Team of Women

  NYC Personal Trainer/ Physical Therapist’s Job Description: Educator, psychotherapist, friend, ass kicker, mindset re-framer, nutritionist, and most often and most importantly, BIGGEST FAN.   Find your own personal trainer in NYC that will be there to coach you every step of the way! We have a team of personal trainers in NYC that work…


(Not enough fit pros are talking about this and I NEED to get it out!) Those who are successful and thriving with a “consistently healthy lifestyle” think differently than those who are unsuccessful. Simple? Yea, kind of. Successful people start their day with more empowering and positive driven thoughts than those that are less successful. …