“It’s your hardest high-school basketball practice, mixed with a fun day at summer camp, combining Simon Says and a old-fashioned game of tag with mountain climbers and planks.” –The Tribeca Citizen on Strong-Healthy-Woman Boot Camp NYC It’s not the gym, it’s boot camp 🙂 (aka It’s not a workout class, it’s part of a total…
Do you go overboard in the eating dept. for 2 days and let it sabotage your “diet” for the next 2 weeks? Do you feel so guilty about eating like a piggy all weekend that you figure you’re a lost cause? At dinner, have you ever uttered “What’s the use, I already ate fries and a burger for lunch, why stop now?” Look…
(and WHAT IS NYC BOOT CAMP LIKE?) After placing a pretty provocative ad in 3 different newspapers here in NYC my office was flooded with phone calls asking “what the hell is boot camp all about.” I usually say that it is like gym class for adults. Now for some of you this may bring about a…
And I should know, I used to be one of them! (Scroll down for social proof) So here’s the deal. After 8 long years as a trainer in a chain gym in Long Island and NYC – I have to let this secret out. After this gets out I will be shunned by my former…
Back in March the number one emailed article about fitness was The New York Times’ “The Art of the Pushup.” I have to say I was roped in after spotting the picture of Jack Lalanne, 93, in a red spandex one-sy doing push-ups on his fingertips. Can you blame me? The article talked about how the simple…