Recently the NY Times wrote an insulting and ridiculous article titled “Why Women Can’t Do Pullups” Ohhhh boy! You can imagine that I lost my sh#&!!
Watch my scathing video response to that article. (I hope it inspires you!)

Pull ups. They are like a metaphor for obstacles in life AND fitness. Can’t manage to do 1 right now? Feel defeated by a roadblock in your life? Do you choose the easy route and throw your hands up and reinforce your false belief that “I can’t do it, I’m a failure?”
Are you the type of person who sets a goal and believes in yourself enough to go after that goal and not let ANYTHING get in your way until you achieve it? Do you work your ass off until you can do ONE pulllup. After you get 1, then 2…are you still not satisfied and push harder and harder until you achieve MORE and MORE for yourself?
Which group do you identify with, the 1st or the 2nd?
Let me tell you something ladies, I’ve seen my share of struggle in my life. Both “on the field” AND off. It’s my mission as a professional fitness motivator to let you know that achieving your goals is PRIMARILY about your MINDSET and just how much you can believe in yourself to make things happen.
Watch me show you how: check out the vid and leave me a comment below!
Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS