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Strong Healthy Woman Blog

6 Minute Hurricane Workout

Laura Miranda’s Storm Survival Guide:

The 6 Minute Hurricane Irene Workout!

Just because Irene will have you stuck inside all weekend that’s NO EXCUSE to skip a workout!  Consistency separates the short term diet/exercisers from YOU: the hard core, long term, “lifer!”

If you find yourself going stir crazy having consumed more episodes of The Office than you can handle, why not push the couch aside and get your sweat on!

RESULTS are a positive consequence of CONSISTENCY.

6 Minute HURRICANE IRENE Workout :

45 Seconds of Each (do as many reps as you can with good form),
15 Second Rest In between. Ready…GO!

1) Spider Crawl (in pushup position walk 4 steps right, 4 steps left)
2) Pushups

3) Step Ups
4) Lunge Jumps

5) Diagonal Mountain Climbers
6) Plank On Hands

Repeat 1 or 2 times through and you are done! Go ALL OUT on these exercises! You will be out of breath, sweating and spent all in the comfort of your own home!! If you want to “kick it up a notch”, then run 2 flights of stairs in between each grouping of exercises!

This type of workout is what we do in our fat loss boot camp workouts in NYC and Long Island. Don’t live in the area? Get your custom “Boot Camp TO-GO” kit for daily at home workouts like this one plus equipment!

BE SAFE this weekend!

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS

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