Boot Camp To-Go » Strong Healthy Woman
The Weight Loss Secret Gym Trainers are SCARED for you to Find Out
(Gym membership fees just may be a thing of the past)
If you are like most people in today’s economy, you are probably SICK of donating 100 bucks to your gym month after month.
After 10 years of helping clients lose weight inside the four walls of a gym…I’ve discovered there’s an easier way! Boot Camp To-Go takes the best of the huge machines you would find in the gym (but are too intimidated to use) and gets you exercising out in the great outdoors.
– Get hyper-focused on your main problem areas Saddle Bags, Muffin Top & Flabby Arms
– Save precious time and money
– It’s Summer! Get the heck out of that dark enclosed gym
– No excuse workouts for the vacation, business travel or weekends
I invented this regimen in my first 2×2 NYC studio apartment while in graduate school. I couldn’t afford a gym membership so I had to make the best out of what I had. I was an unhealthy college student who had little money to eat (let alone eat right) and very limited time to spend on keeping my body in shape.
After I started working in “big-time” luxury gyms for super busy clients – I always seemed to revert back to the dorm room / back to basics approach to working out. This “no-gym-necessary” routine that required only a jump rope and an exercise band kept my client’s hearts pounding, muscles burning and MOST importantly kept the weight off!
Keeping my clients off the machines actually helped them drop the weight faster than ever before. Hundreds of women are using the same exact equipment and routines in my boot camps all over NYC and Long Island.
Are you a good candidate to DROP THE FAT with Boot Camp TO-GO?
BOOT CAMP TO-GO is the answer if 1 or more applies to you:
** You are like most people and STUCK in a RUT of the boring treadmill and dumbbells workouts
** You live in a tiny apartment, work in a cramped office and need to get outside before the florescent light kills you!
** Desperate to stop paying an expensive gym membership
** In desperate need of a KICK START form a lax winter of hibernation.
** The thought of dragging yourself into a gym to get in shape is what’s keeping you unmotivated, unhappy and fat.
** The lbs just don’t seem to come off as fast as they used to.
** You want to take your shirt off at the beach and feel GOOD about it
BONUS #1 – 7 FREE days of Personalized Program Design (ONLINE TRAINING WORKOUTS) to show you exactly how to use this stuff to INCINERATE THE FAT and get in the best shape of your life. That’s SEVEN different hour long workouts that merely require a small space in your apt or the lush greenery of any park or playground. You’ll get custom designed exercise routines complete with picture and detailed explanation to ensure proper execution and maximum FAT BURN. I have taken away the guessing game! We hold you accountable every step of the way, even when you are not (or never have been) in boot camp! A $100 value!