Oh that’s right! You heard me.
(Pssst – we’ve extended the Black Friday Sale < —hurry!)
A recent study shows that the average american spends 45 minutes a day on Facebook and other social media sites.
Watch this video to find out why FACEBOOK is making you FAT:

FOLLOW THESE 5 ORGANIZATION TRICKS to free up MASSIVE amounts of time per day. More free time = more time to workout = happier you!
1) Only answer emails from 1-2pm each day (you can choose the time that works best for you.) Without realizing it, a large chunk of time can be freed up if you only get to your emails for 1 hour per day. If someone immediately responds, finish answering all outstanding emails 1st, then go back. THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
2) Only return phone calls during a specific time period. Change your daily voicemail to say “Hello, I am busy serving clients with _______. In order to be the most efficient, I will be returning all calls between 2-4 today so please expect a response from me then. Thank you!” THIS IS HUGE!!! Daily phone calls sprinkled through the day are time SUCKERS!
3) Before leaving work for the day, write down your top 10 To Do’s for the next day. Once you get into the office the next morning, you can hit the ground running at 9:01. NO emails, NO phone calls, NO fumbling around trying to prioritize the day.
4) Turn your cell phone message notification/vibration OFF. Personal texts, FACEBOOK updates, and personal emails SUCK your productivity down the tubes, feed into A.D.D. and as per a recent study, can lead increased rates of depression. Use your phone before work, at lunch, and after work and that’s it!
It’s about working more efficiently, not harder. There it is, I have just carved out AT LEAST an additional hour of your day to EXERCISE. Your boss will thank you because you are more productive and your BODY will thank you because you are getting fit, strong and happy!
DON’T MISS our extended Black Friday Sale ending tomorrow night 11/30 at midnight!!
POST THIS video on your FACEBOOK page 🙂 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE1FpIohAng
Who Loves Ya?!
Your Finatical FUN Fitness Trainer, Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS
March 18th, 2011 at 2:47 pm
[…] SOLUTION: Focus on what you can control, not what you can’t. Prioritize your life by eliminating time suckers (IE social networks, email, negative people dragging you down) and get serious about what’s […]