Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Here are 7 Reasons WHY Online Training Programs WORK

  1. Your program is designed based on your specific goals, past weight loss success and failure, lifestyle, stress level, available equipment, job, motivation, desire to change, personality, age, sleep and injuries. No generic program takes any of these personal factors into account.
  2. Changing your life through exercise and nutrition requires a well thought out PROGRAM. It has steps, stages, goals, progressions, formulas, laughs, and tears. You cannot change your life with a list of exercises (like most trainers will hand you or “show you.”)
  3. I require all of my online personalized training clients to keep a workout journal and send it to me at the end of each week. Nothing crazy here, just what you did, how you felt before and after. After you register you will receive a format for this journal as a word doc, couldn’t be simpler.
  4. You are going to be held accountable to YOU and ME. Getting into the habit of keeping a journal is worth the price of this service alone. Humans are by nature, lazy. Studies have shown that when individuals keep a log of their food lost 70% MORE WEIGHT than those who did not. The same holds true for exercise. You know if you don’t turn your exercise journal in at the end of the week the WRATH OF LAURA will come down and wreck you! (Or something along those lines.) Seriously though, when accountability is not in the equation it is much easier to give up.
  5. When you spend hard earned money on a service, you are likely to take it seriously. You are making an investment in order to change your life because you see VALUE in not only the service, but in yourself. It takes commitment and determination to change. Knowing that your hard earned money is on the line is like a little extra voice that keeps you going.
  6. This program specializes in the busy woman’s health and fitness. Lets face it, men really are from mars. For the past 10 years I have been perfecting my program, honing my skills, aligning all my efforts with laser like focus in order to find out what makes women and their bodies tick. With this knowledge I I will help you ID the reasons why you eat and take care of your body in the manner you do. From there the only place we can go is UP (or “down” on the scale, depends how you look at it.)
  7. The Workouts are fun and challenging. Lets face it, if you are not having fun you will end up quitting. I cant think of one thing that is more fun than seeing your love handles get smaller and your thighs and but get sexier!

9 Reasons WHY you Should SIGN UP for Online Training:

  1. You are motivated but don’t really know where or how to get started on your weight loss goals.
  2. You have been working out for a while but are no closer to your goals than when you started.
  3. You are sick of the way you look naked.
  4. You want to feel as sexy as you used to feel.
  5. You watch The Biggest Loser from your couch and secretly wish you could make that kind of life change.
  6. You long for unlimited access to my undeniable wit and charm.
  7. You don’t have tons of $ or hours in the day to hand over to unproductive programs that don’t work.
  8. You need to be held accountable and have someone in your corner guiding you every step of the way.
  9. You have said for the last time ” I am going to start working out on Monday.”