Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Live Coaching Calls » Strong Healthy Woman


How to Put Down The Sh*$ That’s Holding You Back in Fitness, Career & Life success!


LIVE teleconference with BODY Transformation Expert, LAURA MIRANDA
AND my acclaimed guest…Life and Transformation Coach, VASAVI KUMAR!!

Nothing will be held back! We won’t be sugar coating this!

FREE to the 1st 30 to register!





Vasavi will help you get UNSTUCK and discover the fundamental things holding you back from weight loss, fitness, and life success!

She’ll introduce new ways of thinking and processing your day to day life instead of telling you what you should be doing or what you’re doing wrong (because you kind of know that part already anyway.)

Learn to use basic daily action items that foster easy accountability and tangible progress!

We all want to see and feel change now! This is called MOMENTUM and it feeds our desire to keep going with what’s working!  This = the success formula!




FREE for the 1st 30 to register!



Which one of these speaks to you…

  • I know what to eat and how to exercise, I just can’t seem to make it happen each day.
  • I work insane hours and by the time the night or weekend comes I just want to eat and relax!
  • I ‘m only consistent for a short while but when the slightest thing in life goes wrong, I give up!
  • My stressed-out & crazy work schedule keeps my body and happiness way down on the priority list.
  • I can’t stay motivated for more than a few weeks. I want to feel HOT again like I used to!
  • I already workout AND eat right but I just feel poorly about myself and anxious and stressed all the time, like i am not reaching my full potential somehow.


All you need is a phone to take part in this transformation coaching session!
You will be able to watch Vasavi and Laura & type in questions if you are by your computer!



Vasavi Kumar knows what she is talking about. She a professional life coach who’s particular passion is working with women entrepreneurs and the integration of their personal and professional success. Not only does she help people change their lives, she also practices what she preaches. Vasvi herself is a former STRONG HEALTHY WOMAN who kicked ass in boot camp in our Oceanside Long Island boot camp location for several years!