Lose Weight: Keep a Food Log & Activity Log » Strong Healthy Woman
(Turns out all you Need is a 99¢ Pen and a Sheet of Paper to Lose Weight)
(It’s a Word Doc so you can either print it out or update it right on your computer!)
Start keeping a log, a journal, a diary if you will of what you are eating and how much you are working out.
Recently one of the largest and longest running weight loss studies EVER conducted (published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine 9/08) showed that people that simply wrote down what they were eating each day lost DOUBLE the amount of weight than those who didn’t.
American’s spend $35 Billion (with a “B”) on weight loss products, pills and potions each year – Turns out all you need is a pen and a paper to get DOUBLE the results. Yow.
- Keep track of what you are eating and how much you are working out for 1 week.
- Then, on Sunday look back and choose one area that you would like to address that needs to be changed.
- Make a short term goal for the upcoming week based on what you want to change and be specific! For example, “Bring a healthy snack to work each day to combat the 3pm sugar rush.” Get it?
That is what it’s all about girls. To make HUGE changes in the way you look and feel REALLY DOESN’T TAKE MUCH. You just have to get started!! Why are you still reading??