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Strong Healthy Woman Blog

Prevent Saddle Bags and Knee Pain (video)

Learn how to avoid (and treat!) knee pain to workout longer & harder so you can see greater results in your weight loss and fitness program!

BREAKING NEWS:  These are conditioning exercises designed to train your legs and core to  perform better; they are not just random exercises picked to make you sore and burn calories. HOWEVER…sore muscles and calorie incineration are definitely going to be side-effects that you can’t avoid!! : )

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I’m a “Technique Geek”, just ask any of my patients or clients. Proper form helps ward off the dreaded knee pain that can sideline you from your workouts and therefore sabotage all efforts to lose weight and get in shape!

Be a “Technique Geek.”

The longer your stay pain and injury free, the greater your ability to start, continue and ROCK your daily  fitness and weight loss goals! (Bad knees = sedentary lifestyle = worse knees.)

My Miniband Exercises that both prevent and treat knee pain AND saddle bags:

  • Miniband Squats
  • Single Leg Balance Taps
  • Miniband Side Shuffles

HOW MANY: The only # of reps that are allowed to do are the ones you can do with proper form. With that said, try 3 sets of 10 of each 🙂

DISCLAIMER: While the syndromes mentioned (Patellar tendonitis, IT Band Syndrome and Meniscal Tears) can and do have other causes than poor alignment, it is imperative to seek advice from a Licensed Physical Therapist (not a personal trainer) or talk to your Medical Doctor for treatment specific to your condition.


Your Body Transformation Engineer,

Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS
Miranda Fitness Concepts, INC

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