Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

January, 2009 Archive

Watch (and Believe) this Comerical if you are a Sucker!

I  know that you guys are all ultra savvy consumers, right? I want to address the ridiculous commercials about High Fructose Corn Syrup(HFCS). Have you seen them?  One is with the mom pouring her kid a cup of juice and is accused by another mom of not caring about her kids b/c of her drink…

So you Think You’re so Healthy, Eh? (5 foods that Mascarade as “Healthy”)

Here is a short list that I have compiled of foods that mascaraed as “healthy” but really are GARBAGE and can single handedly sabotage your quest for a healthy lifestyle (notice I didn’t say “diet”). [To find out EXACTLY what to eat for weight loss CLICK HERE for the next GROCERY SHOPPING TOUR in NYC &…

Is it all about WILL POWER? You might be shocked by my answer

If you have been working out for a while, I want you to stop and ask yourselves “Am I where I want to be by now?   If you started out a few weeks ago with all of these amazing lofty goals and aspirations and are on your way to achieving them… AWESOME. However, if…