Register for the 3 Day, 3-DIMENSIONAL CORE CHALLENGE!! (It’s FREE!)
You see girls, CRUNCHES ARE FOR THE BIRDS. They are for people who like to take the LONGEST route possible to getting a strong, solid, tight core.
In a nut shell, our bodies move in 3 different planes of motion.
So if you fail to train in all 3 planes, you not only cut your potential results down by half, but you are setting yourself up for injury, BOREDOM or the dreaded PLATEAU! Gross.
SIGN UP to get 3 days of 3 DIMENSIONAL CORE workouts for FREE!
Stay committed, focused, and addicted to improving yourself,
Dr. Laura Miranda DPT, MSPT, CSCS
NYC Fitness-Freak & Physical Therapist Technique-Geek BOOT CAMP & 1on1 TRAINING