WTF!!!!! The results of the short 26 Day Slimdown Challenge in Strong Healthy Woman BOOT CAMP in NYC & LONG ISLAND are IN!
And the CHAMP is HERE…
1st Place: Kristen Schmitt from Oceanside, LI 5:30am class WINNER OF FREE MONTH OF BOOT CAMP!
2nd Place: Katie Shipsides from Battery Park, NYC 5:30am class WINNER OF 3 FREE MONTHS OF SHW VIRTUAL TRAINING PROGRAM!
Both girls lost a CRAZY 10 lbs….since we we go by percentage of weight loss…Kristen squeaked in on top! Katie is brand new to boot camp (just 2 months in) and Kristen is 4 YEARS into boot camp!
This goes to show you that no matter what the starting point…both girls DUG DEEP to find out what they were willing to set aside, work for, change, adjust, and fix and ACHIEVE in order to see HUGE changes in just 26 short days.
EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE that participated in this challenge won.
Cynthia Ramos mother of 3 lost 3 pants sizes, Emily Weiss hard-core-fitness-freak dropped 7.5 lbs, Barbara Tamasulo 5 months pregnant only gained 5 lbs….
You see, like my colleague Martin Roony says…
“Your POTENTIAL is like gravity. Just because you cant see it…doesn’t mean it’s not there. IT’S THERE.” IN all of you.
You have to DECIDE to be great. To push harder than you did yesterday, last week, an hour ago….
It’s your CHOICE! #ChooseDedication
I love you guys with EVERYTHING IVE GOT! I will not rest until I can get EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU to be the BEST POSSIBLE VERSION OF YOURSELVES!
If you want to see results like this and join a TEAM of women who are kicking ass every damn day…….
Next session starting Monday 10/15 in NYC & Oceanside, Long Island at 5:30am and 9am!!! Stay STRONG & HEALTHY…
Laura Miranda MSPT, CSCS