Specializing in the Busy Woman's Weight Loss, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Strong Healthy Woman Blog

How to GET: TONED Hips, Butt and Thighs (video)

(My TOP 4 Exercises that prove you’re wasting  time by doing ONLY CARDIO)

Having toned sculpted arms that look hot  in a sexy tank is one thing.  

Being HALF NAKED on a beach in just your bathing suit or covered only by skimpy shorts is QUITE another.

SO, as a follow-up to my Sexy Summer Arms video, here are my TOP SECRET exercises that will get your LEGS (hips, butt & thighs) toned sexy and SUMMER-READY:

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  • Side Stepping Squats 3 sets, 45 seconds each
  • Jump Squats 3 sets, 45 seconds each
  • Lunge Jumps 3 sets, 45 seconds each
  • Step Ups 3 sets, 45 seconds each


Not seeing the results fast enough w/ your current routine?

Cardio alone will not get you the results you are after. Get your butt off of the elliptical machine and partake in these heart pounding moves that make the most use of your precious time and energy.

Leave your comments below for questions about details or specifics! I will answer you within 3 hours…

Laura Miranda MsPT, CSCS


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5 Responses to “How to GET: TONED Hips, Butt and Thighs (video)”

  1. Augustus Butler Says:

    Wow I am literally the only reply to your awesome writing?!

  2. Loren Ramirez Says:

    You’ve done it once again! Amazing read!

  3. Rod King Says:

    If only more people would hear about this..

  4. AB Workout for Garbage Men « StrongHealthyWoman’s Blog Says:

    […] If you havent yet gotten the memo, these days it’s about working out  smarter, not harder. If you are still training one body part at a time, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO on how to string together Upper Body fat blasting moves and Lower Body fat blasting moves! […]

  5. Flat Stomach Secret (shhhh) | StrongHealthyWoman's Blog Says:

    […] forget to follow up with our sexy  arms, and legs […]